Kyrie Eleison

(Music & Lyrics: Bard)

Intro: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison

1. Despair in his empty eyes
Fragments of hope dying in blackness of lies
Prison in the world of starless night
Can be night turned into morning, darkness into light?

2. Good news breaking his thorn
Healer is near and hope is reborn
Relief from his dungeon can be done
Surrounded by crowd he’s waiting, waiting for the One

Chorus: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison

3. Time’s near, his time of rejoice
With hope and faith, he’s lifting his voice
Warning from the crowd „Hey, keep your tongue!“
But no one can stop his calling, calling to the One

Chorus: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison

4. Sometimes I feel like the blind
I sit near the way that I cannot find
When You heal my eyes, I’m like in trance
Treasure I look for I’m holding, holding in my hands

Chorus: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison

He wants to heal my eyes
Listens to all my cries
He’s with me in dark and twilight
He brought salvation for my life

He knows all my days
Listens to all my prayers
He leads me from dark and twilight
He brought salvation for my life
Christ – Saviour of my life

Biblical references: Mark 10:46-52

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